Welcome to BOINK! Photography.
BOINK! Photography was founded in 1993 as a medium to distribute quality fine art photography and photo stock for part time and non-professional photographers. BOINK! specializes in the works of lesser known photographers who do not have the time, resources, or desire for full time photography yet produce high quality work.
This site is in the process of being constructed. We apologize for its current state. We're a small outfit with limited resources and ask for your understanding as we endeavor to expand and improve our web site. In short we ask you to hang in there, more will be coming soon.
If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to send a note to:
If you're interested in what's coming and/or still needs to be done read here.
The BOINK! Web Team.
About This Site:
This site was created using Adobe GoLive, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe ImageReady, and Corel Draw, all of which we find to be excellent products. The site was optimized in favor of Netscape Navigator. All development was done on Microsoft Windows 98. Site upload and maintenance was performed using the FTP features of Adobe GoLive.
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